
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Newsletter 9-17-2010

What We Learned This Week:
Reading: letters/sounds: r, t; blending sounds together to make words; rhyming
Writing: Names, student of the day books
Math: Sorting (definition, different ways to sort); counting (forward and backward 0-10)
Theme: Apples
*Ask your student to sing the Tiggy Tiger song we learned about the letter t and its sound
*Ask your student what it means to sort a group of things, have them sort something for you at home (laundry, silverware from the dishwasher, etc.) :)

Field Trip
We had a wonderful time on our Apple Picking Field Trip to Lynd's Fruit Farm. Thank you all for getting in the permission slips and money on time so that everyone was able to participate! The children enjoyed learning about how the farm works, and picking apples off the trees.

Student Questionnaires
Thank you for taking the time to complete the orange questionnaire to tell us more about your student! We realize that some of this information was given on other forms, but it is important for us to have quick access to it within our classrooms. Each questionnaire is read carefully and the information about your child is taken into consideration in order to best help them be successful in Kindergarten!

Pick-Up Routine
Thank you for your patience as we have worked out the procedures concerning child pick-up at 2:30! Our number one goal is to keep children and families safe as we exit the building and enter the parking lot. If you are the first parent to arrive and the yellow gates have not yet been opened, please wait there until a staff member comes to open them. When they are opened too early some cars have pulled into the circle and parked because they are not picking up a kindergarten student, which then backs up the kindergarten pick-up line. Thank you for your cooperation!

We encourage you to send a snack with students to enjoy during morning and afternoon recesses. We do ask that you please not send in snacks or lunch items that contain nuts. Some of our students are highly allergic to nuts, so we need to keep nuts out of our classrooms, cafeteria, and playground. Thank you for your help in keeping our students safe!

Reading Groups
Due to the short weeks in September our schedule has not allowed time to begin our small reading groups. We will introduce these in the last week of September and begin working in them during the first week of October. These groups will be determined based on prior reading knowledge, to help them progress from the level they are at. We are excited to get into reading of simple stories and learning more about books!

Newsletter Info 9-3-2010

What we learned this week:

Reading: letters/sounds: m, a, s, e

Writing: names, letters

Math: graphing, counting

Science: apple taste test

Social Studies: rules

*Ask your student to sing the "Sammy Seal" and "Mimi Mouse" songs that we learned

*Ask your student which apple was their favorite in the taste test. (red, yellow, or green)

Field Trip
Our Apple Picking field trip will take place on September 15th. Be looking for more information to come home about this soon.

Class Rules:
Our classes have created our list of rules, which are the same in General Studies and the Judaic Classes. Please discuss this list of rules with your child at home and make sure that they understand how each one is used at school. It is important for families to reinforce them at home. Thank you!

1. Follow Directions

2. Be safe

3. Wait your turn

4. Be kind

5. Be neat

6. Stay where you belong

Speech Screening
On Tuesday, September 14th, our speech therapist will be giving speech screenings to all Kindergarten students. You will receive a permission slip for your child to be screened. More information to come as we get closer to the date.

Student Questionnaires
If you have not yet returned the orange questionnaire for your child please do so ASAP! We will be compiling information and keeping it on hand in case of an emergency. They also give us great insight into how we can best help your child be successful. Thank you!

Pick-Up Routine
Thank you for your patience as we are currently "working out the kinks" in our pick-up routines! If you did not get the email describing the new procedure, please let me know and I will send home a hard copy for you to read. This is only for those students being picked up at 2:30 after Kindergarten is completed for the day.

Students are allowed to bring snack foods to eat at recess time. It is up to you if they eat part of their lunch, or have a separate snack to eat, or bring no snack at all. Please remind your student that they are not to share their snacks with others due to possible allergies and/or differing family food preferences. Some students are choosing not to eat their hot lunch because they do not like what is being served. Please be sure to check the menu with your student and send a packed lunch on days when foods they do not like are being served.

Meet the Teacher Night
Hopefully you received the email explaining that Meet the Teacher Night was moved! We are looking forward to meeting you all on Wednesday night, September 15th at 7:00!

Take-Home Folders
Your student has 2 take-home folders. The green folder is for their Judaic Studies class, and the orange folder is for their General Studies class. Each folder has a Keep at Home pocket and a Return to School pocket. Please be conscientious of checking these folders each and every night, initialing/signing where appropriate, completing homework, returning papers that need to be and emptying the folder of anything from the Keep at Home pocket. This is our main form of communication, so any notes can be put into these folders and we will get them first thing in the morning. Thank you for your help in keeping up with these folders!

Morning Drop-Off
All students should enter the building at the Main Entrance doors. The outside door in the Kindergarten hall is only to be used as an exit or for emergencies. If you arrive at school after 8:35 you must get a signed Late Pass from Lisa at the front desk before you walk to class. Davening begins promptly at 8:30, so please be sure to have your student here on time to begin prayers!

All male students must wear a kippa in the building at all times. If your child is a boy please make sure that they have a kippa on their head when they arrive. If they are prone to losing kippas it would be a great idea to keep an extra one or two in their back-pack to use in those instances.

Extra Clothes
Many students have not yet sent in a bag of extra clothing items yet. These are used as a change of clothes in case of a spill, sickness, or bathroom accidents. A full change of clothes should be put into a large Ziploc bag, labeled with your child's name, and sent to school to be kept here for emergencies. Thank you!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Welcome to Kindergarten!

Dear Class,

I am so excited to begin a new year of Kindergarten with all of you! I hope that you have enjoyed your summer! I look forward to meeting you at the picnic on Sunday, and if you are not able to come to the picnic then I will see you on Tuesday! Have a wonderful weekend!


Morah Rachel

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


You can contact me in the following ways:

email: rdegeo@torahacademy.org

phone: 614-864-0299 (school)

blog: leave me a comment on at the bottom of one of my posts

notes: parents, please send notes in your child's take-home folder

I can't wait to hear from you!


Hello, my name is Rachel Degeo, thank you for visiting my blog! I earned my Bachelor Degree in Elementary Education and Bible, from Kentucky Christian College in the year 2000. I have taught in Haiti, Kentucky, Ohio, and North Carolina. The grade levels I have taught include 5th grade, special needs pre-school, and kindergarten. This is my thirteenth year teaching kindergarten. I love to teach kindergarten and help students create a firm foundation and love of learning to set them up for many successful educational years to come. I currently live in Columbus, Ohio with my amazing son. Please come back and visit my blog again to see what we are up to in our classroom, and for my fellow teachers I hope that you will check up and see if I have any ideas that you may want to incorporate into your own classroom!